速報APP / 商業 / Fila Solutions

Fila Solutions





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Fila Solutions(圖1)-速報App

FILASOLUTIONS the new Fila app thought up for building site professionals, retailers and customers, putting the best solution for every need right at their fingertips: from care to washing after laying and protection treatment to stain removal.


− TREATMENT SYSTEMS: this identifies the ideal treatment for any material (natural stone, porcelain tiles, terracotta, wood and other materials)

− TREATMENT STAGES: this identifies the suitable solutions for each stage during treatment (pretreatment, washing after laying, protection, finishing and maintenance)

Fila Solutions(圖2)-速報App

− PRODUCT CALCULATOR: It easily works out the amount of product need for each treatment

− WHAT TO DO IF: FAQs about common problems (stains, mould, problems with infiltration, etc.)

− PRODUCT CATALOGUE: with detailed information about products, certification, treatment videos and technical information sheets

− SALES POINT: with an option for directions to the selected store

Fila Solutions(圖3)-速報App

− TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: this puts the user in direct contact with Fila technical assistance, able to give a prompt reply to any consultancy request

Fila Solutions(圖4)-速報App